
What is voting and elections?

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  • Voting:

  • Voting is the civilized way by which a group of people pick between a set of choices. Each person in the group picks their choice(s) by writing it down or recording it in some way. This act is called casting or exercising their vote. The number of people who made each choice is counted. Before they cast and count the votes, all voters and stakeholders decide the set of rules for acceptable majority/superiority/victory of choices based vote counts. Based on these rules and actual vote counts, the final winning choice (or choices) of the group are determined. The group accepts these winning choice(s) as the 'collective will' of the group with least injustice to least number of people in the group. This whole exercise is called voting.
  • Election:

  • When such voting is used to select between persons to hold a particular office or role, it is called election.
  • Some Examples:

  • The voting group of people could be anything. It could be a group of friends, a housing society, a company's shareholders, and of course most importantly it could be citizens of a democracy choosing their government or even laws & aspects of their Constitution.
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